Software Testing Important Questions–2013
Anna University
Department of Information Technology
Seventh Semester
IT2032 Software Testing
(Regulation 2008)
Important Part B (16 Marks) Questions – 2013 Edition
Provided by -Smart xlr8.
1. Explain in detail about the elements of engineering disciplines.
2. Discuss about the role of process in software quality. 3. Draw the 5-level structure of the testing maturity model and discuss about it.
4. Explain in detail about the software testing principles.
5. Give an example for defect classes and discuss them in detail.
UNIT – 2
Explain in detail about the Equivalence class partitioning.
1. Discuss the various approaches in Black Box test design. 2. Describe the difference between the white box and black box testing strategies.
3. What is a control flow graph? How is it used in white box test design?
4. Explain the differences between random testing and testing using error guessing.
UNIT – 3
1. How would you define a software unit? In terms of your definition, what constitutes a unit for procedural code; for object-oriented code?
2. Discuss the issues that arise in class testing. 3. Why is it so important to design a test harness for reusability?
4. What are the key differences in integrating procedural-oriented systems as
compared to object-oriented systems?
5. Describe the activities/Tasks and responsibilities for developer/testers in support of
multilevel testing.
UNIT – 4
1. Why is testing planning so important for developing a repeatable and managed
testing process?
2. Why is it so important to integrate testing activities into the software life cycle?
3. What role do managers play in support of a test group?
4. Discuss in detail about the test specialist skills.
5. Discuss in detail about the test plan components.
UNIT – 5
1. Discuss in detail about the controlling and monitoring: three critical views. 2. Explain in detail about the role of reviews in testing software deliverables.
3. Discuss in detail about the components of review plans.
4. Explain in detail about the software configuration management.
5. Explain about the various types of reviews.